How to start posting more regularly on LinkedIn (for less than 10 minutes a day)

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If you run your own data management consulting firm, you know you should be posting more often on LinkedIn.

Looking at the data from across our client base in myDataBrand, there is a clear connection between those who post frequently and those who consistently attract clients.

But the problem you're wrestling with is - how do I get started with creating a repeatable process?

You may also be thinking…

How can I find the time to put out more content that is truly helpful to our audience?

Particularly when you’re overwhelmed with delivering services and all the other stuff related to running your own business or team, publishing can get pushed aside.

The key to addressing this issue is to build a publishing habit. Making it a part of your working day and then gradually building up your ‘content muscle’ so that you can build up to the creation of the more in-depth content we teach in myDataBrand such as longer form posts, articles, webinars, videos, guides and even courses.

One way to get started is through a simple Content Curation strategy.

Curation is basically leveraging other people’s content that you know your Ideal Client Profile would value.

(With the emphasis on leveraging, not plagiarising!).

But even a relatively simple task of curation can cause overwhelm in some people.

So why is this?

What I’ve discovered through working with hundreds of struggling data consultancy owners is that they typically wrestle with one or more of the following:

  • Motivation (you can’t get motivated because you don’t think content marketing works - because for you and your firm, it never has)

  • Mindset (you’ve got some limiting beliefs about your own expertise, competitors, selling and a whole bunch of other stuff that doesn’t serve you)

  • Method (you don’t know the specifics of what to do each day to attract clients through content, because you’re a data expert, not a marketer)

The goal of the myDataBrand program is to give you the motivation, mindset and methods to create repeatable patterns of success.

You basically wake up each day knowing exactly what you’re doing.

Plus we tackle the motivation and mindset stuff, because they can be like gremlins that undermine all your good work.

From daily patterns of success, you will develop the mindset and motivation to keep at this stuff.

Because, let’s face it, when clients book discovery calls with you again and again - that’s deeply motivating and gives you the mindset of ‘oh, shit, this stuff really does work'‘.

Those that do the work on our program, and put all the pieces into action, typically collect around 3-4 solid opportunities per month from their content marketing on LinkedIn.

That’s in contrast to a lot of firms that come to us never having had a lead from LinkedIn since their firm was launched.

So, whilst it takes time to help you build up your Motivation and Mindset, I can help you right now with one simple Method if you’re struggling to create a publishing habit.

It’s called the ‘L.E.A.D.S’ method.

(And yes, it did take me ages to work out the phases that fit the acronym).

How can I use L.E.A.D.S?

Firstly it’s great for curating content quickly so you can at least put something out each day into your LinkedIn feed, because if you’re reading this, chances are you’re sitting on the naughty step when it comes to content creation.

You know you need to do more, and now you have a simple tool.

What’s more, it actually gets you smack bang in front of your target audience too (which can’t be bad, can it?).

Here’s the method in all it’s step-by-step glory…


Devote 1-2 hours per week to finding useful content your Ideal Client Profile would value.

If you’re reading this then chances are you’ve come across from LinkedIn so make your time there intentional by studying what your ideal clients are consuming.

For example, it took me 2 minutes to create a list of CDOs in SalesNavigator and then find out what they’re sharing/publishing right now.

(You don’t need SalesNavigator for that, it just makes it a smidge quicker).

In doing so, I stumbled on this post from Cham Chandratillake, CDO for Sainsbury’s:


Create a list of links to these types of posts or other useful content and identify 4-5 for the week ahead you think are worthy of a mention.

You could simply post a short line of text, as Cham has done above, or you can go deeper, with one of the options that follows.

If you can’t write your own content, then simply publishing a link is a great starting point and forces you to get into the publishing habit.


Enrich and extend one or more of the points raised in the article.

You could recount a case study/experience, or perhaps go deeper into one of the topics.

For example the author above briefly introduces Performance Intelligence, Action Intelligence and Decision Intelligence. You could take one of those points in turn and provide a deeper explanation, perhaps with some links to resources and added information.


What additional points or topics could the author have added?

In the post above, there were 5 gaps listed - what if you extended that to 10?

By adding some more gaps, and asking people to provide commentary on any more, your post can quickly go viral.

Why? The LinkedIn algorithm sees commentary as an engagement metric and accelerates the visibility of your post every time it gets comments, likes and shares (less so with shares however).


What if you disagreed with the author on one or more of the points?

This is a riskier tactic because you can come across as negative, or even a troll, if you don’t present your ideas in a structured and compelling way, but it can certainly garner you visibility if you have the expertise to back up your assertions.

This is not something you want to make a habit of, but if you have a strongly held view based on your expertise, then why not comment on it?


Write your post in LinkedIn then reach out to your ‘Inner Circle’ and share the post to them.

You could ask them to comment or simply add a note saying:

“Came across this resource that you may find useful”.

Sharing your content invariably leads to people liking or adding their own comments and that is exactly what the LinkedIn algorithm needs to put rocket fuel into your post and expand its reach much wider.

Next Steps

So there you go, you now have a simple method for content curation called - L.E.A.D.S.

It’s a simple way to…

  1. Build a content marketing muscle through repetition

  2. Create deeper relationships with your target audience (e.g. a CDO in the case above).

  3. Keep front-of-mind with your inner circle of contacts, clients and confidantes

Why not try this technique and drop me a comment below with a link to your post - I’ll give it a thumbs up on LinkedIn to spread the word.

Do you want to create more opportunities in your data management consultancy but are struggling to figure out all the moving parts?

In myDataBrand, we have boutique data businesses, just like yours, generating significant leads and sales, right now, from content marketing strategies we’ve built together.

If you’d like to join them and start creating a more predictable sales pipeline, book a Breakthrough Call today.

We’ll pinpoint why you’re struggling and determine which of my programs are the right fit based on your current situation.


The Two Content Pivots your Data Consultancy Needs to Attract Your Ideal Clients


How to attract a bigger audience to your consultancy (without creating more content)